
One of the enduring images of Jesus in the minds of many is of Jesus surrounded by children, some sitting on his knees with his arms around them. It may raise eyebrows in our ‘safe space’ world, but it captures an attractive aspect of the Jesus we meet in the Gospels. But if Jesus’ disciples had had their way, it would not have happened.

The incident is reported Mark 10:13–16. People are bringing young children to Jesus. The parents (I presume) recognise that Jesus is much more than another travelling preacher. They think his touch and blessing carry weight. But the disciples attempt to stop it. I have some sympathy for the disciples. They finally recognised that Jesus is important. He is the Messiah (Mk 8:29), the long-promised king God was going to send to crush their enemies and bring all the benefits of his victory and rule. He has arrived: the most important person in the world! And they are the inner circle. So they take it upon themselves to shape his itinerary.

Imagine that Jesus was going to be in your town or city for a weekend, and you were in charge of his itinerary. Who would make the cut? The Prime Minister? The business tycoons? The bishops and moderators? The University professors? They would be on my list. Would you include children? Certainly not! Grubby, noisy, unpredictable kids—keep them away from Jesus. They are not important, they are not the influencers, it would not be a good use of Jesus’ time and attention.

The disciples think Jesus will be pleased with their discernment. But Jesus is furious with them.


We Can Be So Wrong

They got Jesus and his kingdom totally wrong. The kingdom he is bringing belongs to people like these children. Jesus is more than willing to give his time and attention to children. Don’t stop them. Don’t even hinder them.

In our sentimentality, it would be easy to stop here. Let’s value the children in our families, in our communities, and in our churches. Grubby they may be, but they are precious and they are the future. Give me a child and I will shape the adult. But Jesus has something sharper and more significant to say to us adults: ‘Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it’ (verse 15). These are strong words. They encompass everyone regardless of race or sex or age or education or religion. They encompass all time (‘never enter’), and so speak about every person’s eternal destiny in the kingdom of God.


Becoming Like a Child

What does Jesus mean by, ‘receive the kingdom of God like a child’? What aspect of childlikeness does Jesus have in mind? There have been many suggestions. Is it the way children receive gifts? Children just rip the paper off in their excitement. They don’t wonder whether there are strings attached, whether it puts them under obligation: they just enjoy the gift. Is it the innocence of children? Adults learn to play the games of social intrigue and hidden agendas, but children are naïve and straightforward. Or at least we hope they are. Is it the ignorance of children? They don’t question, they just accept what they are told.

There are good reasons to question these suggestions. Are children really so innocent? My experience of parenting undermines that suggestion. Is it a spiritual advantage to be ignorant and gullible? Not according to the rest of the Bible.

The context points in a different direction. Jesus is talking to the disciples who have just shooed the children away. Why did they shoo them away? Was it because the children receive gifts so enthusiastically? Was it because they were innocent, or ignorant? No. It was because they were unimportant. Jesus is saying that we cannot enter his kingdom thinking that we are important, or hanging onto the things that give us status.


Sharpening the Point

The very next incident Mark reports is when a man runs up to Jesus, asking what he must do to enter the kingdom (Mk 10:17–31). After some discussion, Jesus tells him: ‘sell everything you own and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, Then come, follow me.’ That sets the bar high! But the man can not bring himself to do it; he walks away sad, dragging his feet. He was unwilling ‘because he had great wealth’. He had houses and fields, cows and camels, clothes, and jewellery. He was not willing to let them go, even if it meant missing out on eternal life.

Why did Jesus demand such extreme action from this man? He didn’t demand it of others (for eg Zacchaeus in Lk 19:1–10). Jesus goes on to say, ‘it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle (i.e. impossible) than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.’ There is something about wealth that can exclude a person from entering God’s kingdom. This man’s wealth did just that.

What we are seeing is an example of someone who refuses to receive the kingdom like a child. His wealth makes him important and he is unwilling to give up his status to enter the kingdom.

Many other things can give you status: education, family name, sporting achievement, charisma, or association with someone important. It is not always feasible to strip ourselves of these realities, but when it comes to the kingdom of God, they must not play a role. I cannot come thinking that my status gives me a privileged place in the queue.


The Low Bar

The difficulty of entering the kingdom is not because the bar is too high for us to climb over, but because it is too low for us to crawl under. Unless we stoop low like a child we are excluded, just like this wealthy man. Why is the kingdom of Jesus like this? Because the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and give his life a ransom for many’ (Mk 10:45). Entrance is given, not earned. And as Jesus explains, ‘Many who are first will be last, and the last first’ (Mk 10:31).

This is the total reverse of how this world works. It is those with the most points who get entry into Australia. It is those with the highest marks who get into university. It is those with the greatest skills who get chosen. But Jesus turns our world’s ways on their head. For those of us with nothing to boast in, it is wonderful news. But for those who have spent our lives scrambling to be near the front of the queue, it is a sharp rebuke and challenge.

The question Jesus presses upon me is, ‘Have I come like a child, empty handed, laying aside everything that gives me status?’ And if I have, does that continue to be the way I live in the kingdom, resolutely refusing to play the status game?

