
Winners Are Grinners

We absolutely do know that our heavenly Father is watching us. We don’t need to remind him or check that he is paying attention. He will always be there, witnessing our triumphs and failures and everything in between.

Does Christian Sex Need Rescuing?

If Christian leaders are humble enough to listen to Gregoire’s critique, revisit the ways we talk about sex and reassess the books we recommend, then we may find that a lot less Christian sex will need rescuing.

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Hang on, Why Should We Read the Bible in Context?

Abraham’s words were a reflection on the provision of God he was relying upon. By the time the story was written down they have become a prophetic saying waiting for fulfilment (v. 14). The intention of the text becomes clear only as we pay attention to the context of the text.

Winners Are Grinners

We absolutely do know that our heavenly Father is watching us. We don’t need to remind him or check that he is paying attention. He will always be there, witnessing our triumphs and failures and everything in between.

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