
The Sad Rich Man

How could this be? This is not the great Australian dream! Rich men and women are not sad, are they? I’ve seen them: their families are shiny, happy, healthy and beautiful.

My Year in Evangelism

I once heard the national director of the Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) Ben Pfahlert call for people to write on their year in evangelism. I have decided to take up Ben’s challenge, and rather than submitting another ‘My Year in Books’ article to TGCA, to instead share my year in evangelism.

Preparing for Holidays

As summer holidays approach, I want to put the holy back into holiday and reflect on how we can get our expectations right and see our upcoming vacation through God’s eyes.

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The Sad Rich Man

How could this be? This is not the great Australian dream! Rich men and women are not sad, are they? I’ve seen them: their families are shiny, happy, healthy and beautiful.

My Year in Sentences

There’s an old saying that “books don’t change people, sentences do”. So I thought I’d offer some words that challenged—and yes, changed—my heart and mind in 2024.

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