
Jesus is Lord because of his death and resurrection. As such he is better at saving us than we are at sinning against him. Furthermore, he does not want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. That’s why Christians share his heart for everyone to meet Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

In an effort to raise the evangelistic temperature across Australia, the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) launched the national “Meet Jesus” mission this year and invited local churches and Christian organisations (including TGCA) to partner with them by committing to the habit of praying daily for two unbelieving friends or family for two minutes (2-4-2), using the same branding, sharing resources, and aiming to read John’s Gospel with unbelieving friends.


So Far, by God’s Grace…

Over 180 churches have formally signed up to participate in this joint effort. Many churches and Christians have adopted the 2-4-2 prayer habit and hundreds of people have joined us in our monthly prayer meetings on Zoom. Over 1 600 are following our various social media groups and profiles set up to share stories and respond in prayer.

400 people from churches, campuses, parachurch ministries, and theological colleges gathered at CrossCulture Church building in Melbourne to pray for their friends and family, and encourage each other to be confident and courageous in sharing their faith so that many more people in Victoria might meet Jesus.

19 000 copies of the Uncover John resource have been distributed and hundreds of unbelievers have been asked to read it.

Joint events have already taken place in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Even more mission events are planned for the second half of this year on every campus, with more joint events planned for Melbourne, Canberra, and Perth.

Around fifty non-Christians have turned to Christ. Twenty of these come from two university campuses alone.


Some Stories

After a pastor prayed for his friends, one of them rang him up the next day and said: “I’m not really sure why I am ringing you, but I thought I would touch base”. The pastor replied: “I know why you are ringing me. It is because I prayed for you”. And he shared the gospel with his friend over the phone!

A student in Sydney used sausages at her frisbee team’s BBQ to draw the pictures from Two Ways to Live (a gospel tract) and explain Jesus to her friends.

A graduate was asked by his work colleagues about the Meet Jesus sticker on his water bottle. He has had opportunities to speak to them about Jesus ever since.

A woman in her nineties asked for eight more copies of Uncover John to read with her friends in her retirement village after watching The John Drama in Toowoomba.

A student from a Buddhist background had been reading John’s Gospel with one of the AFES staff on his Gold Coast campus for several months. He turned to Christ after hearing a sermon from John 11.


Please join us in praying for hundreds, even thousands more to meet Jesus across the towns and cites of Australia and love him as their Lord and Saviour. You can find all the upcoming events around Australia on the Meet Jesus website.
