Wise Christian Leadership in the Flux of COVID-19

COVID-19 is a moving beast.

The world around us changed overnight as the pandemic was announced. In March and April 2020 enormous energy was poured into reacting and adapting to the new ministry environment. Church leaders were overwhelmed by new information: external guidance, new policies and Safe Ministry guidelines, online ministry tools and everyone else’s ideas. Everyone was exhausted.

The current season: Sustainable ministry

In recent weeks, we have entered a new season as we have all acclimatised to the new normal. This is the time to build sustainable ministry for as long as we can’t gather in person. 

This is the time to build sustainable ministry for as long as we can’t gather in person. 

What does wise leadership look like in this season? Here are five questions to reflect on during this season:

The next season: Launch

As restrictions are eventually rolled back, there is yet more change on the horizon. The final season commences with the announcement of the relaxation of restrictions.  It will be a time of great anticipation as we prepare to gather in person again. Church websites will be refreshed, a flurry of Facebook videos inviting people to church will be released and launch celebrations planned.

However, getting church going again will not be easy. Volunteers need to be reengaged, family patterns adjusted, and ministries launched for the second time this year. Preparing for relaunch will take weeks of clear leadership.

Church websites will be refreshed, a flurry of Facebook videos inviting people to church will be released and launch celebrations planned.

What does wise leadership look like in this season? Here are five ideas to reflect on as you prepare for this season:

This pandemic has created complexity for our ministries. Wise Christian leaders will seek to boldly lead God’s people with a clear appreciation of the season we are in.