All glory and honour to you, Living God.
You made our world by your wisdom,
and you sent your Wisdom into the world.
You rule all things by your word,
and you caused your Word to dwell among us.
You filled heaven and earth with your glory,
and you made the the very Radiance of your Glory to shine on earth.
You gave us life and created us in your image,
and you have given us eternal life through your eternal Image.
You formed us to be your children,
and now your eternal Son has come to claim us for brothers and sisters.
Heavenly Father, your Son became poor,
and now we share in his riches.
He came to be despised and rejected,
and now you have accepted us through him.
You laid our sins on him,
and now we come to you with his righteousness.
You sent him to live the life that we failed to live,
and now we have his life in us.
By your will, he came as a slave,
and now we reign with him.
He was conceived, lived, died and rose by your Spirit,
and now he has given that Spirit to us.
Renew us therefore, by that same Spirit, we pray.
By him, unite us to Jesus so we bear much fruit and bring you glory.
By him, fill our hearts so we cry out to you with the voice of your Son.
By him, bind us together in the gospel of Jesus and speak the truth in love.
By him, transform us to the image of our Lord, with ever-increasing glory.
By his power, deliver us from discouragement and idolatry,
and fill our hearts and lives and mouths with grace,
By him, make us proof of your manifold wisdom before the powers and authorities,
so that the powers of darkness should not prevail,
and we might press on through the night to the dawn;
warmed by the light of your Son.