
For ministers, Bible study leaders, youth and childrens’ workers, pastoral workers etc:

  1. Tell everyone that God is a missionary God, God sent his only Son as a missionary, and God’s Spirit is a missionary Spirit!
  2. Teach the big missionary narrative of the Bible: God’s plan for people from every nation and language and people to worship the Lamb.

Teach the big missionary narrative of the Bible: God’s plan for people from every nation and language and people to worship the Lamb.

  1. Whatever part of the Bible you are preaching or teaching, emphasise its missionary emphasis and significance.
  2. Engage your church in mission including cross-cultural mission in your local community; train them to do it, lead them in doing it: and encourage people to do mission in their community and work places.
  3. Encourage people to read missionary biographies of male and female missionaries, married and single missionaries, contemporary missionaries and missionaries from the past.
  4. Increase and communicate your own missionary passion. Tell people about it, and tell them how it shapes your life and your priorities. Tell them what you do about it.
  5. Ensure that God’s global mission is an integral part of your church’s life: in intercessions, Sunday services, Bible studies, youth and childrens’ programs, prayer meetings, womens’ and mens’ ministry, and every ministry, and on your notice board.
  6. Keep your church informed about what is happening today in Christian mission and church life in nations around the world.
  7. Encourage your church to support missionary societies. Commend their ministries, advertise their activities, get a link missionary, support them with prayer and finances.
  8. Encourage every person to join a missionary society, to pray, give, and attend their events.
  9. Encourage people you think would make good missionaries by talking with them, praying with them, and encouraging them to contact an appropriate missionary society.
  10. If church members become missionaries, support them long-term, adopt them as link missionaries, tell the church about their ministries, pray for them, care for them, individually and as a church.
  11. If no members of your church are serving as missionaries, adopt some link missionaries  from a missionary society. Tell the church about their ministries, pray for them, care for them, individually and as a church.
  12. Include global mission giving through missionary societies in your church budget.
  13. Include a report at your annual church meeting about what the church has done to support and participate in global mission.

[The John Piper quote which is the basis of the title is: ‘There are three options when it comes to missions: Go, send or disobey’.]
