He Loved Them to The End

He Loved Them to The End

Rick Lewers preaching from John 13


Passage/Topic: John 13

Title: He Loved Them to The End

Venue: Tasmanian Christian Christmas Convention

Date: January 1, 2016

Rick Lewers is Rick Lewers is bishop of the Armidale Anglican Diocese. Before becoming bishop he was an evangelist with Evangelism Ministries in Sydney and just prior to that, the rector of St. Matthew’s Wanniassa in Canberra. His passions are Jesus Christ and telling people about him; his wife, Janene, and their three children; and all things sporting, especially fishing, golf, and watching those sports he no longer has the body to play.

Other sermons by this preacher:


(For more information on the Tasmanian Christian Convention, please see http://www.taschristianconvent…)