Mark Dever To Speak At The 2019 Nexus Conference

Mark Dever from Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC will be speaking at the 2019 Nexus Conference, to be held on March 25th. The Gospel Coalition Australia are proud partners with the 2019 Nexus conference and are thrilled that Mark agreed to TGCA’s invitation. As an organization devoted to building gospel partnerships and to promoting gospel priorities, TGCA is excited about our new partnership with Nexus.

Evangelism: Let’s Do Better

The Nexus conference is a significant Sydney-based ministry aimed at encouraging and equipping gospel workers as they labour in the harvest field. The conference addresses a different topic each year, with the 2019 topic being ‘Evangelism: Let’s Do Better’.

This conference is timely. Many churches and Christians are finding growing resistance to evangelism from our wider culture. Christianity is no longer merely seen as ‘wrong’; it is increasingly seen as immoral. The tragic child abuse scandals have only served to corrode any respect Christianity had in the wider culture. Indeed, many churches are seeing years go by without any converts.

Many churches are seeing years go by without any converts.

In this climate of suspicion and opposition, how do we do evangelism well?

How can we do evangelism better?

Mark Dever is well-placed to speak to this issue, with many years’ experience in Washington D.C., a secular corner of America. Mark will also be joined by an excellent panel of local speakers, all sharing how we can do evangelism better.

An Australia Wide Tour

Mark Dever will also be speaking in other capital cities around Australia, including Brisbane (in partnership with the Queensland Theological College);  Melbourne (at the TGC-Victoria gathering); Adelaide and Perth.

Live-streaming Option Available

If you can’t make it to the above locations, you can still see Mark Dever virtually on March 25th via the Livestream option of the Nexus conference. It will be well worth your time hearing from this experienced pastor.

May God use Mark’s visit to encourage and invigorate many Christians and Christian leaders to keep going in the harvest field.