Episode 46: Sophie De Witt

Episode 46: Sophie De Witt

When Sophie De Witt first encountered the gospel of Jesus, she found it strange and unnerving. Despite her initial resistance to what she had deemed intellectually ridiculous - something that would have been reinforced in daily lectures by her uni professor, renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins - Sophie became less convinced of her own position as she encountered more evidence for the truth of the Bible. It was God working through friends and evangelists like Rico Tice and John Chapman that led her to finally put her trust in Jesus. Listen to her story here as she speaks to Taryn Hayes of how she has learned to cling to Christ more and more through many of life’s obstacles.

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Like so many, Sophie De Witt finally committed her life to trusting Jesus after hearing a series of talks in the UK by the much-loved, Australian evangelist, Chappo. Today, she partners with her husband, Chris, in a number of gospel ways including raising their three children, Molly, Zach and JoJo, in South Africa. Together with others, Chris and Sophie are co-founders of Hope Training Course, Hope Central Church and of Grace Primary School, a school following a Charlotte Mason approach to education.  Whilst facing health issues, ADD and an increasingly frustrating struggle with what she calls ‘Compulsive Comparison Syndrome’, Sophie undertook to find out what the Bible had to say about her struggle. Compared to Her (The Good Book Company) is the result of her research. She is also the author of a discipleship Bible-reading handbook called One to One: Discipleship Handbook (Authentic Media). On her days off, she loves going on family walks or sightseeing outings, reading and definitely also watching TV, ideally whilst eating chocolate!

This interview was recorded in early 2019.

Links mentioned in this episode: 

Grace Primary School

Hope Central Church 

Charlotte Mason 

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macauley 

Prayer Mate App 

Solid Joys App  by John Piper

John Chapman (Chappo)

Sophie’s Books: Compared to HerOne to One Handbook 

Grow Women’s Conference 2020 – Grow Chats

Sound-bites from this episode:

I’d never interrogated my own beliefs about spirituality or life. The more I did, I realised I had no evidence and no coherence in it. More and more, what I was reading in the Bible and (other) seemed coherent. But it meant a big lifestyle change and I wasn’t willing for that. So, what started off as intellectual ended up as being a kind of submission, trust issue. And then it was in my third year, we had a big mission there and it was headed up by none other than Chappo, John Chapman, from Australia…

Well, I think what’s encouraging to me, and especially when I talk to young people, and when we did student work, is that I was one of those students who ridiculed, was hostile, rejected, laughed, disagreed. And yet this Lord still got me!  (I) encourage people just to persevere. And those are the very people you thank now and for eternity.

Comparison is something that I struggled with generally … not growing up with a Christian framework.

From her book, Compared to Her: “I am a recovering Compulsive Comparison Syndrome sufferer. It causes me to feel envy, despair, pride and superiority. It cuts away at my relationship with God, with my loved ones, and with myself. It has promised me contentment, and yet robbed me of it. And although I don’t know you at all, I’m fairly sure you have CCS, too. That’s not meant to sound rude. It’s just that I’ve rarely met a woman who doesn’t struggle with it.”

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The Lydia Project: Conversations with Christian Women is a podcast co-hosted by Tori Walker and Taryn Hayes on The Gospel Coalition, Australia website. It features informal chats with Christian women around faith, life, ministry and the ways in which God is shaping their thinking and their lives. The views of our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the hosts or TGC, Australia.